All posts tagged: trauma

Exposed tree roots

“Roots” and the Cult of Resiliency

by dc edwards This post was originally published on the author’s website and is republished here with permission. This tweet pissed me off: Don’t tell me you don’t want to see another slave movie when you have watched 163 different versions of Spider-Man/Batman #Roots #haveaseat — LaToia Jones (@latoiajones) May 31, 2016 It’s a false equivalency. The feeling that many of us have about not wanting to relive trauma that exists even today in our community versus watching multiple renditions of fictional characters is just not the same. To argue that it is, is quite simply ridiculous. And yet, this tweet went viral. Making it to Colorlines and all over my Facebook timeline. Then of course Snoop Dogg, he of the infamous bitches & hoez lyricism, went on a rant against Hollywood and their consistent slave movie making hobby. And then Roland Martin went after him. Ok…Well… Technically what Snoop said minus the “real nigga” bravado and the cursing is not so wrong. Black activists often say that very little has changed when it comes to racism. And …